When you have problems with one part of your financial life such as poor credit caused by any number of reasons, or high mortgage payments that you can no longer afford –then you no doubt have challenges with other financial matters, too.
For example, if you become ill or lose your job and can’t pay the mortgage, your credit card companies may soon raise your rates or even cancel your account. All of this ends up on your credit report, and greatly restricts your financial options.
The various benefits, programs and services of ASCENT are designed to accomplish one basic goal and that is to give today’s consumer a fighting chance if and when they get knocked off track from a financial prospective. Whether it is someone who has fallen behind on his or her Credit Card and Consumer Debt, or if it is a delinquent old Student Loan that continues to haunt you and possibly the worst financial loss anyone can experience, the pending loss of a home, we at ASCENT want you to know there is HOPE! Don’t give up, don’t walk away before you look at ALL of your options. We have helped 1000’s nationwide don’t you owe it to yourself to make that call?
By becoming a client of ASCENT, you will receive invaluable tools in a wide range of areas, including all of the following: