Credit problems can affect your entire financial picture. If you’re falling behind on a credit card or mortgage payments, you could be negatively affecting other areas of your financial life.
That’s why we’ve developed a full-scale credit repair solution that addresses the problems you currently have, and those you may not have anticipated. At ASCENT, we approach your financial landscape with foresight, to assure financial recovery, and long-term financial stability.
Many of our clients have experienced substantial increases in their credit scores, have modified their home loans, have significantly lowered their monthly mortgage payments and changed their overall credit status in ways they never thought possible.
Dear Aaron,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible services your team has provided me over the past few years. I am truly impressed by the dedication and expertise demonstrated by your professionals. I am thrilled to say that my credit score has increased by 350+ points since I began working with your credit agency. This remarkable improvement has not only boosted my financial confidence but has also opened up new opportunities for me.
I appreciate your monthly check ins/follow ups and the personalized approach your team took to address my unique financial situation. Thank you once again for your outstanding services. I am a grateful and satisfied client and I will not hesitate to recommend your agency to friends and family seeking reliable credit assistance. You have truly helped my situation in so many ways!
Best Regards,
Sarah Newton
I worked with Lisa and she was amazing! She was able to increase my credit score in a timely manner. She was very thorough when it came to my goals and extremely professional. Highly recommended.
Lisa and her team helped me with my credit. They were always on top of contacting the credit bureaus in regards of my credit and also communicating with me in every step they took. I highly recommend Lisa and her team cause they go above and beyond for their clients.
This company is amazing they’ve helped both my mother’s and my credit scores and they always respond super-fast to any of the questions we had. We worked with Lisa, she’s amazing! I would definitely refer my friends and family here!
Lisa is Number ONE, I had my Fido score below 600, and in one year plus I have 813. She is the Best Great communicator with professionalism in what she does, I would refer her to all my friends. Thank you!
Our mission at ASCENT Network is accomplished by providing clients with access to resources and services, designed to assist individuals in improving their credit worthiness and financial position.
Generally, these credit specialist services would not be available to those with damaged credit. In addition to restoring your credit, and much more.